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Embedded Linux Software Engineer


RekryilmoitusEmbedded Linux Software Engineer


Distribution Solutions, Vaasa

Are you ready to take your career as a Software Engineer to the next level? You will develop technologies, products and solutions for ABB’s business lines globally. You will be working in an agile development team focusing on protection and communication products and creating value for your internal and external customers as part of a world-class team of professionals.

We require a B.Sc. or M.Sc. in a relevant field as well as solid knowledge and experience in Linux and embedded systems software development. You are innovative and creative with a customer-oriented attitude. Good written and spoken communication skills in English and Finnish are essential.

More information: Timo A. Ahola, tel. +358 50 334 4142.

Interested? Apply by 27 October, 2019 via clicking the apply button.

A better world begins with you at abb.fi/uralle


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Hakuaika: 14.10.2019 - 27.10.2019
Sijainti: Vaasa
Linkki: https://rekrytointi.com/avoimet-tyopaikat/abb/embedded-linux-software-engineer/709542/


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