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Data Visalization Expert


RekryilmoitusESiOR Oy is a private company providing health economic and outcomes research (HEOR) services, such as health economic evaluations, data analytics, predictive modelling, reporting and publications for corporations and institutions in social and health care and pharmaceutical sectors. We in ESiOR help our clients derive insight as well as help them and their stakeholders to make more informed decisions. 

Our experts have been selected to chair different positions in congresses and projects (e.g. ISPOR, SMDM, biobank, cost-effectiveness study group), received several international awards over the years, taken part in multiple key projects and guideline work, and our list of publications does not fall short or limited by any standards. Esior.fi

Due to our business growth, we are looking for an experienced  


Your task will be to make social and health economic and data analysis results more accessible through designing and developing charting, graphical outputs as well as interactive data visualization interfaces to meet our clients’ goals. For instance, developing web-based interfaces for health economic models built with R or interactive real-world evidence reporting. Developing and improving the public visual profile of ESiOR would also be a part of your work. 

We expect from you web and/or application development skills and artistic vision (i.e., a front-end developer with a focus in data and other visualization). This position emphasizes a need for an artistic eye and an innovative mind to conceptualize, design, and develop reusable graphics and data visualizations as well as technical knowledge for implementing these visualizations by building front-end web-based applications and graphics. 


•  Bachelor’s or equivalent Degree (Statistics, Mathematics, Data Science, Computer Science, Engineering, Arts, Design, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence or related field). Applicants with e.g. relevant polytechnic or vocational training, solid experience from the related field and other required qualifications are also welcomed to apply for the position. You may also have further, higher education.

•  Skills in the interactive data visualization and data interfaces. 

•  Experience with web technologies, such as Javascript (e.g. d3.js), HTML or CSS etc.

•  Good problem solving and debugging skills.

•  Fluent written and oral communication in English. Knowledge in Finnish language is an advantage. 

•  Experience with making complex data more accessible, consumable and actionable.

•  Good teamwork skills.

Valuable, but not essential

•  Experience in social, healthcare or pharmaceutical industry, health economics, hospital or market access

•  Skills in R and/or Python scripting

•  Knowledge with big data, data extraction, warehousing and analysis technologies such as Stata, SAS, SPSS, SQL, Azure, Hadoop and/or similar tools

•  Skills in data mining, deep learning, machine learning, artificial intelligence and/or such

We offer you an opportunity to be part of this growing business together with the top professionals of the field. With us you can develop your professional skills even further. We provide possibility for flexible and remote work, however good travel connections to the Finnish capital area and/or Kuopio are desirable.  

Are you interested? You can call and ask further information: ESiOR Oy’s CEO Erkki Soini tel. +358 400 533 971 Monday 11.5. 10.00 – 17.00 and Monday 18.5. 11.00 – 18.00 and HRS Advisors consultant Seija Raesola tel. +358 40 775 6150. Please, leave you application and CV together with your salary request no later than May 24th. 

HRS Advisors Oy

Me HRS Advisorit voimme syystä kutsua itseämme henkilöstöalan ammattilaisiksi ja asiakkaillemme siten luotettaviksi yhteistyökumppaneiksi. Meissä yhdistyy vahva liiketoiminnan osaaminen ihmisen työkäyttäytymisen syvälliseen ymmärrykseen. Meillä on vuosien kokemus liiketoimintayksiköiden vetovastuusta, esimiestoiminnasta ja menestyksellisestä yrittäjyydestä. Olemme toimineet rekrytoinnin, johtamisen ja henkilöstön kehittämisen sekä uraohjauksen saralla laajasti eri toimialoilla ja erilaisissa niin kansainvälisissä kuin kotimaisissa organisaatioissa. Yrityksemme toimii Helsingissä, Tampereella ja Turussa.


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Hakuaika: 30.4.2020 - 25.5.2020
Sijainti: Helsinki, Kuopio
Possibility for flexible and remote work, however good travel connections to the Finnish capital area and/or Kuopio are desirable.
Linkki: https://rekrytointi.com/avoimet-tyopaikat/hrs-advisors-oy/data-visalization-expert-esior-oy-helsinki-kuopio-tai-etatyo/835912/


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