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Back-end Specialist


RekryilmoitusWe are hiring a

Back-end Specialist

in Joensuu

We offer you a position as a Back-end Specialist who is able to support existing Spring-based application, rewrite parts of it and develop new features on solid infra maintenance system.

We are a profitably growing software company, that builds digital services for construction and infrastructure maintenance. Our products improve the lives of thousands of citizens every day – why not join us!

You’ll be working at the Fluent office in Joensuu.


You have experience in implementing digital services and software in practice or through studies. You have experience on backend development and general networking technologies. Above all, you are curious, willing and able to learn. You have fluent communication skills in English.

We are especially excited if you might have some understanding on one or more of the following:

  • Java, Kotlin
  • Spring, Spring Boot, Spring WebMVC, Spring Security
  • PostgreSQL, PostGIS
  • Map Server (optional)
  • OAuth, OpenID Connect (optional)

What have we to offer?

Besides getting the change to work with great and talented people, we offer e.g.

  • Flexible working hours
  • Culture/sport benefit
  • Company healthcare
  • Extensive health insurance
  • Accident insurance
  • Modern facilities
  • Social events

Do you see yourself as part of the Fluent team?

Great! Tell us about your past programming and work experience and let us know what you’d like to do in the future. Send your application and CV with the title ‘Back-end Developer’ by clicking the Apply-button and we’ll get back to you!

Laura logo


Hakuaika: 20.9.2019 - 20.10.2019
Sijainti: Joensuu
Linkki: https://rekrytointi.com/avoimet-tyopaikat/fluent-progress-oy/back-end-specialist/694439/


Ilmoitus yrityksen kotisivuilla Yritysprofiilii Laura kotisivut








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