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Back-End Developer


Hi there! Are you looking for a better Monday?

Sofokus is looking for a Back-End Developer (preferably with previous knowledge in Python ????). We are eager to find a doer who wants to be involved in creating something new in the field of digital business solutions. If you feel that this could be the place for you, go ahead and continue reading.

What is Sofokus all about?

It all started with a one man’s dream in 2000 to create digital services that matter. Gradually this dream grew to a bigger band of people sharing the same uncompromising mission to create something that stands out and leads the way. Today we are around 40 people in Turku and Helsinki and listed as one of the fastest growing companies in Europe.

As we continue our journey as a company, we also want to offer growing opportunities for rookies and old stagers of software development. At Sofokus you get a possibility to develop both yourself and the organization, right from the day one.

The position: Back-End Developer

Our customers value our relentless search for “one step further” and this is also something we expect from our people. Work at Sofokus requires tremendous independence but you’ll have the power to organize your own work tasks and ways of working. However, you will also have a team of experienced professionals around you all the time to help you whenever needed. 

Objectives for the position

  • You have found your place in our team and feel proud to be a part of Sofokus
  • The people you have worked with value your insights and input
  • You are independently developing our customer projects with good quality code
  • You are eager and willing to learn more



  • Fluent in English


Before applying, take a moment to get to know us and our company culture. We are a bunch of happy people, who joke a lot and believe in the power of good laugh. Your time and skills are valuable, and we want you to feel at home with us. Perhaps we could offer you a better Monday?


How to apply?

We hope to receive your application and CV with a portfolio (e.g. GitHub link) by 30.9.2020. The position will be filled as soon as a suitable person is found, so don’t waste any time. 

For more information about the position and our company culture, please contact Milla Heikkilä via email (milla.heikkila@sofokus.com) or phone (+358 40 837 2562).

Sofokus Oy logo


Hakuaika: 18.8.2020 - 30.9.2020
Sijainti: Turku
Linkki: https://www.sofokus.com/careers/
Yhteydenotto: milla.heikkila@sofokus.com


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