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We are glad to inform that Good Sign is now a certified app/interface for ServiceNow!


Say Good Bye to MS Excel Spreadsheets for gathering service billing data and pricing it according to each service contract. From manual complexity into automated flexibility!

We have gained visibility in the ServiceNow community through ServiceNow Store featuring certified apps and integrations.

Good Sign ServiceNow Solution

Good Sign Usage-based Billing Data Automation removes barriers to flexibly offer end customers what they want and yet automatically provision multi-layered services and bill customer specific usage and contract specific pricing schemes with full financial transparency. Good Sign Real-time Digital Services Monetization enables also managing costs, chargebacks, revenue recognition rules, partner clearing rules and profitability automated and transparently.

This ServiceNow integration is exporting CI data from ServiceNow CMDB to Usage-based Billing Data Automation in Good Sign software. Any CI classes may be used to define billing. An example CI scope for IT Service Provider is servers, workstations and printer objects.

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Good Sign
IoT Monetization

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