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Space Management, Room Booking, Attendance Monitoring and Scheduling System

TarjouspyyntöHankintailmoitus: Funidata Oy

Tarjoukset 05.11.2018 klo 12.00 mennessä

Space management, room booking and scheduling system including the implementation of the system, data migration from the End Users existing systems, configuration of the system to support the End Users work processes, integration of the system into the End Users’s systems and testing, maintenance and training services. The system must be provided as a service “Saas”. The system will not be installed in the Customer’s or End Users server environment and will not be maintained by the Customer or End User. The detailed requirements are set out in the Invitation to Tender and its Appendixes. The Framework agreement will be for an indefinite period for reasons stated below. The estimated signing date of the framework contract is 3.12.2018.


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