Piraeus Bank tackled their process problems
With complaints arising after implementing robotic process automation (RPA) and automating the consumer loan process, Piraeus Bank was eager to find the answers to its process problems.
Using QPR's process mining software, QPR ProcessAnalyzer, Piraeus Bank located root causes to problems in 5 minutes. Based on these findings, they are now cutting the process lead time by 86% to stay competitive in the market.
"We have automated the process of consumer loans, and we all thought that we are very good,and have happy customers, and that the process was ideal. And out of the blue, we had complaints from the customer, the business, the branches of the bank. So, we were like, what's going on? We brought QPR to the picture, when they came in, they helped us a lot. We gave the data of the system, and right away, in 5 minutes, we saw the bottlenecks of the process."
Read the whole story here.
"Thanks to QPR ProcessAnalyzer’s powerful process visualization capabilities, we were able to demonstrate the consumer loan process bottlenecks to the broader management, identify optimization points and make recommendations to improve the process.
Lambros Bessas
Tilaaja: | Piraeus Bank |
Toimittajan yhteyshenkilö: |
Lambros Bessas |
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QPR Software - Asiantuntijat ja yhteyshenkilöt
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- Webscale Oy - Sales Manager
- Efima Oyj - Technical Architect, Microsoft Dynanics 365
- Laura - Ohjelmistoprojektien laatupäällikkö
- Laura - UX Designer
- Laura - Senior HRIS asiantuntija
- Laura - Designer
- Efima Oyj - Power Platform Architect
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