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Content Management System

TarjouspyyntöHankintailmoitus: Tilastokeskus

Tarjoukset 25.11.2019 klo 10.00 mennessä

Statistics Finland is purchasing a license to a Content Management system, and support for implementation project of the system, as described in this Request to Tender and its annexes. The content management system is intended to support separate web applications developed by Statistics Finland, to create a new version of the Statistics FInland's web portal. The new content management system should enable Statistics Finland to create, manage and disseminate modular and reusable content to various channels. The content management system is intended to manage several hundreds of thousands of content items with around one hundred different types. The typical content includes text, images and videos, but also both static and dynamic graphs, tables and maps that can be used both independently or as a set, for example as a part of an article. The content is expected to be delivered annually to around 6 million end users. The system is intended to be in use for several years.


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