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InfoConsulting Nordics kokemuksia

InfoConsulting Nordics:lla on yhteensä 4 suosittelijaa ja asiakaskokemusta. InfoConsulting Nordics kokemuksia –sivu koostaa yhteen ne asiakaskokemukset, suositukset ja suosittelijat, jotka InfoConsulting Nordics Oy on liittänyt referensseihinsä.

ReferenssiYAWAL has increased production efficiency thanks to IFS APPLICATIONS™

"As a result of the implementation, we can now support our entire organization, all of its processes and in one coherent tool, with easy access to data in a modern interface. The company organized and simplified the processes and improved the quality of system data. A task-based work system was launched in the production and warehouse with each employee knowing exactly what tasks are to be.."

-- Ireneusz Kłobus, Project Manager

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ReferenssiImproved enterprise management effectiveness at Otwockie Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów i Kanalizacji Sp. z o.o.

"InfoConsulting has extensive consulting and implementation experience and high business competencies and therefore the upgrade of the IFS ApplicationsTM system to the most recent version was carried out very efficiently. The consultants of InfoConsulting carried out the project in an exemplary manner."

-- Mieczysław Kostyra, CEO of OPWiK Sp. z o.o.

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ReferenssiPAULA FISH, a food processing company, improved its effectiveness with the IFS APPLICATIONS™ 9 system

"When the company develops dynamically, access to information becomes crucial to support management processes. That is why the company decided to implement the ERP system. The development of the originally small family business now is directed towards a corporation while data quality and the time to extract such data have become a core element of management. We have decided to select the IFS.."

-- Marek Putzlacher, managing director at “Paula Fish” Sławomir Gojdź Sp. J.

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ReferenssiKUŹNIA POLSKA S.A. has improved its operations by implementing IFS APPLICATIONS™

"The ERP class IFS Applications™ system implemented at Kuźnia Polska will function as a central solution within the Company which will enhance the operations of the company and will contribute to more effective planning of tasks and faster responses to market changes."

-- Janusz Bożek, Project Manager at Kuźnia Polska S.A.

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