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Workshop: Learn to identify low-code development ideas and to build winning business cases

26.01.2023 Espoo

TapahtumaBusiness processes and work can be streamlined and automated with low-code/no-code tools like Microsoft Power Platform. But how to identify the development ideas that are the best match for low-code and deliver optimal results? And how to secure resourcing for your projects in the competitive corporate landscape with a competent business case presentation, backed with carefully prepared calculations?

Join this workshop and hands-on-lab, where Efima's experts Antti Rantanen and Janne Hirva will guide the participants in identifying and refining low-code development ideas and preparing winning business case presentations. During the event, you will get to know the topic through theory and concrete examples, and get to practice hands-on with your peers.

You should bring one or two potential low-code ideas with you. We will be working in smaller groups discussing provided ideas as well as our own ideas.

Microsoft will offer participants a lunch after the workshop. Microsoft and Efima experts are available during and after lunch to you for more detailed discussions. 

Where: Microsoft Finland, Keilalahdentie 2-4, Espoo

When: 26.1.2023 at 9:00-13:0

Warmly welcome to join the workshop! Seats are limited, so sign up today and secure your seat.


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 26.01.2023
Kaupunki: Espoo
Paikka: Keilalahdentie 2-4
Lisätty: 1.12.2022

Muita tapahtumia


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