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Webinar: Unify Your Business Management Applications With NetSuite

29.03.2023 Webinaari

TapahtumaAs a growth company, it's crucial to have the foresight to invest in solutions that are built to keep your business running smoothly and efficiently as you grow, and that can scale up along with the business. But when is the right time to go from multiple siloed systems to a unified, future-proof ERP solution? Is it really difficult to implement an ERP system without compromising current growth? What are the keys to a successful implementation project and investment in a long-term viable ERP solution? What makes Oracle NetSuite stand out as a robust yet flexible financial management solution for multi-company businesses set for growth?

Register to our webinar to find out the answers to these questions as we get to listen to iBinder Group's growth story and their journey with NetSuite, including Staria's International Accounting Services and iBinder Group’s other best of breed solutions. You will also get a chance to attend an interactive overview demonstration of NetSuite’s capabilities for handling international business in the growth era.

When: March 29th, at 11-11.45 EET

Guest speakers:

Monzaide Anzola, Group CFO, iBinder Group

Monzaide Anzola

Group CFO | iBinder Group

August Tillqvist, Group Finance Manager, iBinder

August Tillqvist

Group Finance Manager | iBinder Group



Jimmy Löfström

Jimmy Löfström 

International Growth Director | Staria


Andrei Postolache

Andrei Postolache

Senior NetSuite Solution Consultant | Staria



Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 29.03.2023
Tyyppi: Webinaari
Lisätty: 16.3.2023

Muita tapahtumia


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