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Webinar: Accelerating the Close with FloQast: Unlocking Time for Strategy and Analysis

31.05.2023 Webinaari

RELEX Solutions shares their experience with FloQast

Whether you’re working at home, in the office or some combination of the two, now more than ever it is important to embrace new processes and technologies to streamline your month-end close to allow your finance and accounting team to focus on value-adding strategy and analysis.

See firsthand how close management software from FloQast empowers your team to close the books faster and more accurately and stay audit ready. In this webinar, you'll have the opportunity to hear from joint Staria and FloQast customer Ilkka Koski, Team Lead, Controlling and Invoicing at RELEX Solutions as he shares his experience with the solution. Hosted by Jimmy Löfström, International Growth Director at Staria, you'll join Ed Shawcross, Strategic Alliances Associate and former Sr. Finance Director, Hugh O’Neill, Senior Sales Engineer at FloQast as they discuss the benefits of FloQast and demonstrate how it works with your existing checklists, ERP, and Excel to manage tasks and improve collaboration across your team. 

Join us and learn how close management software:

  1. Provides accounting teams a single place to manage the month-end close and give everyone visibility to significantly improve team efficiency
  2. Integrates with existing checklists and Excel to work the way your team does already
  3. Dramatically improves audit-readiness by centralizing documentation to ensure support, evidence of review and sign-offs are always ready for audit

When: April 20, at 12-12.45 CEST

The webinar will be held in English.

FloQast logo

FloQast delivers leading financial close workflow and automation solutions enabling organizations to achieve accounting operational excellence. FloQast enables customers to streamline processes such as automated reconciliations, documentation requests, and other workflows that impact the month-end close, financial reporting, audit and payroll.

Webinar speakers

Ilkka Koski, Team Lead, Controlling & Invoicing, RELEX Solutions

Hugh O'Neill, Senior Sales Engineer, FloQast

Ed Shawcross, Strategic Alliances Associate, FloQast

Jimmy Löfström, International Growth Director, Staria


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 31.05.2023
Tyyppi: Webinaari
Lisätty: 6.4.2023

Muita tapahtumia


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