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Nordic Business Forum Helsinki 2021

29.09.2021 - 30.09.2021 Helsinki

TapahtumaNordic Business Forum aims to provide you with all the tools and networks needed to be a part of the change. Our 2021 speaker line-up is packed with brilliant minds to help you disrupt your business and forecast the future of work. With 7,600+ estimated guests around you, networking plays a big role at the event and will give you the chance to meet the right people to develop your business in the right direction.


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 29.09.2021 - 30.09.2021
Kaupunki: Helsinki
Paikka: Messuaukio 1
Lisätty: 27.1.2021

Muita tapahtumia


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