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Learn about IBM PowerAI as a platform for Deep Learning

30.10.2017 Helsinki

TapahtumaIBM PowerAI Meetup

Invest half a day together with IBM, NVIDIA and Elinar and learn about Deep Learning and IBM PowerAI. Listen to Elinar Oy on how they are using Deep Learning as part of their daily business. Explore the benefits of using open source frameworks like TensorFlow and Caffe together with IBM PowerAI tools to enable a complete user-friendly Deep Learning system. Everything running on IBM's state-of-the-art platform based on Power CPU's and NVIDIA GPU's. 

The seminar is targeted people with an interest in Deep Learning, whether that interest is fueled by business reasons or out of technical interest. Our focus is more on what Deep Learning is and what you can do with it more than a detailed walkthrough of TensorFlow, Python, cuBLAS and the like.


08:30 Breakfast and registration 

09:00 Welcome 

09:15 Deep Learning and IBM PowerAI 

10:00 Elinar Oy: How we use IBM PowerAI in our AI & Deep Learning environment 

10:45 Break 

11:00 NVIDIA: The benefits of using GPUs and NVLink 

11:45 IBM-initiatives to help you move on with Deep Learning and AI 

12:00 We serve sandwiches and close the meeting

We have a limited number of seats which will be reserved on a first come first served basis.

The presentations will be in English.


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 30.10.2017
Kaupunki: Helsinki
Paikka: Laajalahdentie 23
Lisätty: 30.11.-1

Muita tapahtumia


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