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Global Accounting Services and Growth Supporting Technologies A Cost-efficient Approach to International Growth

30.11.2023 Webinaari

TapahtumaGuest speaker from our customer Digital Workforce.

Are you ready to take the next step towards international markets?

In addition to courage, it is important to make sure that your company has a cost-efficient international growth strategy in place that will support your growth plans today and in the future. Investing into right solutions and services at the right time will give you significant savings in the long run, and make your future growth plans easier to execute.

In this 45-minute webinar Staria's expert Terhi Kilpeläinen discusses with our customer Digital Workforce's CFO Heini Kautonen e.g. following topics:

  • Challenges in international growth:
  • What are the most common challenges when entering international markets?
  • Global Accounting services:
  • Introduction to Global Accounting services and how they support your international growth
  • Introduction to growth supporting technologies:
  • Introducing the solutions most international customers rely on and their greatest benefits
  • Cost-effiency in outsourcing:
  • How outsourcing saves man hours and expenses? Introduction to cost-efficient way of operating

Who should attend?

This session is ideal for CFOs and other decision-makers of especially Nordic scaling companies that are either planning to internationalize or have already expanded globally.

When is it?

Thursday, November 30, 2023 at 2 pm EET. Duration: 45 minutes.


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Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 30.11.2023
Tyyppi: Webinaari
Lisätty: 26.10.2023

Muita tapahtumia


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