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APIDays Finland 2019

04.06-05.06.2019 Helsinki

TapahtumaAPIDays Finland 2019


APIs and Platforms - Transforming Industries and Experiences

4-5 June 2019, Helsinki

Why attend?

APIDays Finland joins the tradition of hugely popular global APIDays -events. The APIDays Finland event is brought to you together with our local APIOps community, see Contact -section for more information.

Traditional industries are starting to catch up with digital transformation, partly because of the Finnish and EU -level legal requirements for industries to open APIs, even for their competitors and disruptors. 


The most established companies and organizations are getting on board. If your digital customer experience isn't cutting it, competition is imminent. The change is not easy in any industry, but it's even harder in regulated industries.

Banks and FinTech are already experiencing a forced change towards APIs and ecosystems, but construction, energy, traffic, and healthcare are needing to catch up fast. This change has been speeding up during the last 1-2 years and now it's time to present some of the case examples.


This event is not only for those already in the API and platform game or being challenged by recent legal requirements. This event is for sharing information, getting inspiration from customers, competitors and across industries, as well as experts.

You should join if you identify with any of these: business people (managers, sales, marketing, legal, enterprise architects, designers) and technical (architects, lead developers, senior developers) plus teachers, researchers and students.

Time & Place

4.-5.6.2019 Helsinki in award winning event center Koskenranta

Katariina Saksilaisen katu 9 , 00560 Helsinki, Finland


Koskenranta is an idyllic restaurant and event venue on the banks of

Vanhankaupunginkoski (Old City rapids). It lies where the original settlement of

Helsinki was founded, an unique venue at the crossroads of nature and history.

An old water flow laboratory built in 1946 has been converted into a 2000

square meter versatile space for your events.


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 04.06-05.06.2019
Kaupunki: Helsinki
Paikka: Katariina Saksilaisen katu 9 , 00560 Helsinki, Finland
Lisätty: 8.2.2019

Muita tapahtumia


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