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Software Developer (digital healthcare and insurance)


RekryilmoitusOur agile R&D team is looking for a talented Software Developer to develop the Wellmo platform further and to make sure our customers get the best out of the platform. Together with 6 experienced developers and a strong business team you help our insurance customers design, implement and further develop their digital health services powered by Wellmo. This is a permanent position based at Wellmo HQ, located in Aalto Start-up Center, Espoo. We are offering a full-time position but are flexible with the working hours. However, we are looking for a person able to work at least 3 days per week.

All our developers are full-stack developers with emphasis on some areas. Our development team has experience from a wide range of industries, including high availability and security requirements. As a rule, all code has test automation written by the developers themselves. Some technologies we use:

·      Java, JavaScript, React Native, AngularJS

·      HTML5, CSS

·      REST, MongoDB

·      Cucumber, Watir-Webdriver

With us you have an opportunity to develop yourself according to your own interests. In the long run you can keep developing your skill set in full-stack development further or, for example, specialize in DevOps/Architecture, Integrations/Partner Support or Design/Client Consulting.

Wellmo logo


Hakuaika: -
Sijainti: Espoo
Linkki: https://www.wellmo.com/software-developers/
Yhteydenotto: recruitment@wellmo.com


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React Native

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