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R&D Software Engineer, Stresstech Oy, Jyväskylä, the province of central Finland


RekryilmoitusWe at Nordic Personnel Services welcome you to apply for a job through us! As a recruitment professional, our job is to combine the right applicants with the right jobs.

Stresstech Company Background

For more than 30 years, Stresstech (www.stresstech.com) has been providing non-destructive and destructive testing solutions for process control and quality inspection. Stresstech is headquartered in Finland and has offices in Germany, the United States, and India, as well as sales and service representatives around the world.

R&D Software Engineer, Stresstech Oy, Jyväskylä


The Software engineer is responsible of developing embedded software for Stresstech products. The job holder performs a broad variety of assignments ranging from software design, development and testing and reporting to the R&D manager. The Software engineer works from the Company’s office in Vaajakoski (Jyväskylä, the province of central Finland) and reports directly to the R&D Manager.


  • Develop and maintenance of embedded software.
  • Develop and maintenance of analysis software
  • Produce documentation required for product operation and maintenance manuals.
  • Collaborate with other R&D engineers, technicians, and administrative personnel to accomplish product and project goals.
  • Provide internal technical advising in software issues.
  • Perform other duties as requested by the R&D Manager.


  • 2+ years of design experience and proven skills in embedded software design
  • Ability to manage timetables in projects
  • Fluent communication in Finnish or English
  • Proactive and motivated person who drives things to completion with positive attitude


  • BSc/MSc in Software Engineering or equivalent technical education


  • Fluent C and C++
  • Other languages such as C# and Python are an advantage
  • Knowledge of embedded systems (DSP, real time systems, embedded Linux)
  • Experience in software development for multiple platforms (Window, Linux)
  • Embedded systems experience
  • Critical thinking; Makes systematic comparison of two or more alternatives. Notices discrepancies and inconsistencies in available information. Approaches a complex task or problem by breaking it down.
  • Teamwork; Listens and responds constructively to other’s ideas. Offers support for others’ ideas and proposals. Shares his/her expertise with others.


  • Base salary target range: to be negotiated
  • Standart Streestech personnel benefits

Apply for the position and send the application with salary wishes by 30.06.2022 at www.nordic.fi. nd interest in the job. You can attach a CV and a free-form application.

For more information on recruitment and assignment, contact:

Jari Pakarinen, jari.pakarinen@nordic.fi

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Hakuaika: 14.6.2022 - 30.6.2022
Sijainti: Jyväskylä
Linkki: https://rekrytointi.com/avoimet-tyopaikat/nordic-henkilostopalvelut-oy/rd-software-engineer-stresstech-oy-jyvaskyla-the-province-of-central-finland/1617625/


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