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Lead Developer, full-time, Piceasoft Oy, Tampere


RekryilmoitusWould you like to contribute to the success of the high-tech growth company? Are you eager to coordinate teamwork and lead toward common goals? If yes, you may be the Lead Developer we are looking for! 

We are looking for you 

We at Clevry are looking for a Lead Developer for our client Piceasoft. The position is full-time with a permanent contract. You will be hired directly for Piceasoft. The start date for this position will be as soon as possible. 

As a Lead Developer, you will lead mobile application development scrum team. We expect you to be a tech-savvy professional, who is curious about new digital technologies and aspires to combine usability with visual design. You will work with the UI/UX designers and bridge the gap between graphical design and technical implementation, taking an active role on both sides and defining how the application looks as well as how it works. Ultimately, you should be able to create a functional and attractive mobile application ensuring a great user experience.

Client company 

Piceasoft is a Finnish company, located in Tampere. Since it was founded in 2012, Piceasoft has created a unique set of software solutions to cover the whole lifecycle of mobile devices. With these products, customers can transfer and erase consumer data, analyze device condition and value and manage trade-in, insurance and recycling. These solutions create new business opportunities and enable a cost-efficient service for mobile operators and retail chains. More information here: www.piceasoft.com

Main tasks 

  • Develop iOS/Android applications utilizing modern application development tools
  • Facilitating agile scrum practices and collaborate with team members and stakeholders
  • Planning sprints in an Agile software development environment
  • Bridge the gap between graphic design and technical implementation
  • Define how the application looks and how it works and translate UI/UX design to the actual code
  • Work closely with other teams to ensure business requirements and priorities are met

We expect

  • Proven work experience (5+ years) as a Mobile Application Developer
  • Experience with mobile application development technologies Java, Kotlin, Objective C and Swift
  • Proficient in version control and continuous integration, for example with Git and GitLab
  • BSc or MSc in Information technology, Computer Science or a related field
  • Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Good communication and collaboration skills - ability to coordinate teamwork and lead toward common goals

 We offer you 

  • An opportunity to develop your skills in the field of software development
  • Good benefits such as lunch, telephone, commuting or parking space compensation in Tampere
  • Entrepreneurial and highly talented team to support you to develop your skills
  • Nice office in the historic Finlayson area at downtown Tampere
  • Flexible working hours and possibility to work remotely
  • An open, flexible, and collaborative culture

Apply now! 

If you recognise yourself in this description, please apply for the position by 4.7.2021. However, we urge you to act quickly – we will proceed with potential candidates already during the application period. For further information, please contact Recruitment Team Manager Jesse Saarenpää (jesse.saarenpaa@clevry.com). Please note that we cannot receive applications via email due to data privacy legislation, and that we handle all inquiries on behalf of our client company. 

Additional information about our recruitment process 

At Clevry, we believe that rather than focusing solely on hard skills, the key to success is based on soft skills and the willpower to rise beyond expectations. Therefore, our recruitment process involves psychometric assessments that evaluate soft skills and cognitive abilities essential for each role. By assessing soft skills, we can help applicants describe their own strengths more effectively and find employment quicker and more easily.  

When applying through us, you will receive a personal feedback report based on the personality assessment. The recruitment process also involves an interview with both Clevry and the client company, so you will get to know both as the recruitment process progresses. 

Additional information about Clevry 

For over 30 years we have been the change maker for a more soft skills driven working life within talent acquisition, assessments and advisory. We operate globally with customers, consultants and candidates from North America to Singapore with headquarters in Brighton, Stockholm and Helsinki. At Clevry we have over 150 soft skills certified recruiters, business psychologists and experts at your service. We find the right candidate for the job, and the right job for the candidate! 

Clevry Oy logo


Hakuaika: 4.6.2021 - 4.7.2021
Sijainti: Tampere
Linkki: https://www.clevry.com/fi/avoimet-tyopaikat/201677
Yhteydenotto: jesse.saarenpaa@clevry.com


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