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Fluent Progress: Backend Developer (Java)

RekryilmoitusType: Full-time, permanent, part-time negotiable

Location: Länsikatu 15, 80110 Joensuu

Starting date: Negotiable

Application DL: 30.8.2021

Fluent is specialised in mobile solutions for enterprise resource planning and work management. Our products enable diverse data collection through mobile devices as well as analysing and transferring data between systems. Fluent produces solutions for mobile work management, digitalizing processes and reporting. Our clients operate in road maintenance, property maintenance, sanitation, and construction industries. Fluent Kunto product line is the market leader in road and street maintenance in Finland. We have offices in Joensuu and Espoo.


Fluent Progress is now looking for a Backend Developer to strengthen the team and to contribute to the company’s growth also internationally! If you’d like to be a part of developing something socially significant and you are eager to constantly improve your skills as a developer, you might be the one we’re looking for. The role is customizable for both junior-level and experienced developers.

In this role, you will be working at the Fluent Joensuu office closely with other developers working according to Scrum methods. You’ll mainly focus on the backend of the products by developing the two main product families (Fluent Planner and Fluent Kunto) and the client assignments. Your daily tasks include further developing and enhancing the existing solutions, integration development, and creating new features. 

As an ideal candidate, you have a passion and interest in developing yourself and your skills. We value high quality in everything we do and hope that you share the same mindset. You have some experience and skills in backend development (Java, Spring Framework). You don’t have to be a professional in everything - we believe that new skills will be learned and old ones will be deepened while working. The role can be modified according to your level of expertise and interest now and in the future. Working part-time is also negotiable so this job is easily adaptable if your life situation requires that.

We hope that you have: 

  • Skills in Java and Spring Framework
  • Some practical work experience from e.g. summer jobs, internships. We also welcome more experienced developers.
  • Fluent communication skills in English


 We are happy if you also have (but don’t require):

  • Knowledge of some of the other technologies in Fluent’s stack: Kotlin, Hibernate, JPA, PostgreSQL, PostGIS, Mapserver, MapProxy, MapCache, OAuth, OpenID Connect, Linux and Docker


We can offer you: 

  • A position in a secure, profitably growing software company. We create digital services which improve the lives of thousands of citizens every day.
  • Possibility to grow professionally and develop your skills - with us you get to work according to your passion and interests and role can be adjusted now and in the future for your level and preferences
  • The chance to work in a team of talented professionals with flexible working hours and a possibility to work partly remotely
  • Culture and sports benefit, extensive health insurance and company healthcare as well as accident insurance
  • Modern facilities and social events to improve your well-being at work

In this position, you will be employed directly by Fluent Progress.

Sounds like you? Please submit your CV or share your LinkedIn-profile (cover letter optional) by the latest 30th of August via our application system here: https://atalent.fi/en/open-position/backend-developer-java-2 . Feel free to mention your salary request, possible GitHub (or similar) profile and possible starting date in your application documents. Remember to use the application system, we do not accept applications by email. 

You can familiarize yourself with Fluent Progress here: https://www.fluentprogress.fi/en/home. For more information about the recruitment process contact aTalent’s Recruitment Manager Miili Reponen (+358 50 475 4889, miili.reponen(at)atalent.fi).    

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Hakuaika: 16.8.2021 - 30.8.2021
Sijainti: Joensuu
Linkki: https://atalent.fi/en/open-position/backend-developer-java-2


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