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Embedded SW Designer, full-time, Etteplan Embedded Finland Oy, Espoo


RekryilmoitusWould you like to work with embedded systems? Do you have previous work experience as a design engineer? If yes, you may be the Embedded SW Designer we are looking for! 

We are looking for you

We at Clevry are looking for an Embedded SW Designer for our client Etteplan Embedded Finland Oy. The position is full-time with a permanent contract. You will be employed via Clevry for Etteplan. The start date for this position will be in September. 

As an Embedded SW Designer, you are responsible for the implementation and programming of embedded systems. To succeed in this role, you need to have previous designing experience as well as experience in software development with C/C++ and Embedded Linux. Your work tasks will include development of Embedded Linux kernel and user space and Embedded product HW/SW bring-ups.

This diverse role and Etteplan’s extremely diverse clientele offer you a wide range of opportunities for self-realization and development. Etteplan has multiple openings in several fields, for example automotive, telecommunications, medical, IoT and industrial R&D projects. You can modify your work tasks based on your own strengths.

Client company

Etteplan is a company of more than 3400 technical specialists globally, who are working to spark positive change in the world of engineering. Etteplan believes that solving tomorrow’s engineering challenges requires a specific, structured, and focused approach. Based on their deep industrial insights in various sectors, Etteplan applies new thinking in three service areas: software and embedded solutions, technical documentation, and engineering services.

With over 60 offices in Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, and China Etteplan provides a truly global business environment. The company grants many opportunities for professionals who are passionate about learning and sharing knowledge. More information here: www.etteplan.com

Main tasks

  • Programming and implementing embedded systems
  • Software development with C/C++ and Embedded Linux
  • Designing embedded system architecture
  • Debugging/troubleshooting

We expect

  • A few years of work experience as a design engineer
  • An educational background in electrical engineering, information technology, computer science or similar applicable area
  • Experience in software development with C/C++ and Embedded Linux
  • Fluency in written and spoken English

We offer you 

  • An opportunity to develop your skills in the field of software development
  • A possibility to see, experience, and learn a lot
  • An opportunity to gain valuable experience with an open-minded and knowledgeable team of experts
  • The support of an encouraging work community 
  • A stable, secure, and flexible organization

Apply now!

If you recognise yourself in this description, please apply for the position by 27.6.2021. However, we urge you to act quickly – we will proceed with potential candidates already during the application period. For further information, please contact Recruitment Team Manager Jesse Saarenpää (jesse.saarenpaa@clevry.com). Please note that we cannot receive applications via email due to data privacy legislation, and that we handle all inquiries on behalf of our client company. Apply trough the link below.

Additional information about our recruitment process

At Clevry, we believe that rather than focusing solely on hard skills, the key to success is based on soft skills and the willpower to rise beyond expectations. Therefore, our recruitment process involves psychometric assessments that evaluate soft skills and cognitive abilities essential for each role. By assessing soft skills, we can help applicants describe their own strengths more effectively and find employment quicker and more easily.  

When applying through us, you will receive a personal feedback report based on the personality assessment. The recruitment process also involves an interview with both Clevry and the client company, so you will get to know both as the recruitment process progresses. 

Additional information about Clevry

For over 30 years we have been the change maker for a more soft skills driven working life within talent acquisition, assessments and advisory. We operate globally with customers, consultants and candidates from North America to Singapore with headquarters in Brighton, Stockholm and Helsinki. At Clevry we have over 150 soft skills certified recruiters, business psychologists and experts at your service. We find the right candidate for the job, and the right job for the candidate! 

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Hakuaika: 30.11.-1 - 27.6.2021
Sijainti: Espoo
Linkki: https://www.clevry.com/fi/avoimet-tyopaikat/201243?hsLang=fi
Yhteydenotto: Recruitment Team Manager Jesse Saarenpää (jesse.saarenpaa@clevry.com)


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