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Embedded Software Engineers


RekryilmoitusWe are looking for

Embedded Software Engineers

to join our new software development team. We are ambitious, engaged and excited about transforming industries with software innovations. We’re looking for software experts who are inspired to working on challenging technology and like to solve hard problems.

You will be part of a team which is going to dive deep into customer’s technology. You will have plenty of time to study it in order to become specialist of certain technogy area. In a longer run you will be founding solutions to hard problems and implementing solutions to this fine telecommunication system.

On top of good C/C++ skills we highly appreciate willingness to communicate, persistent and committed attitude and team player skills. As a team we will succeed. Naturally earlier experience of telecommunication area will help you to learn new things faster. 

There is a room for one team lead type of person also, willing to take care of the team, looking after team development and performance, and also participating hands-on in daily work.


Please leave your application through Easy Apply or send your CV to Unikie’s recruitment team: mariella.merikallio@unikie.com

If you have questions or wish to discuss before submitting your CV, please free to contact us! By email: mariella.merikallio@unikie.com / +358 50 4726 76

Unikie is the third fastest growing technology company in Finland in 2019. Unikie, founded 2015, employs nearly 300 people including subcontractors and is aiming for a turnover of 50 million this year. The listing of Deloitte’s Technology Fast 50 program was announced at the Tampere Town Hall recently. We offer you An experienced and ambitious community that is looking for new makers for our challenging and changing customer projects. An opportunity to develop your skills in a superb group and in varying projects. A transparent and honest wage model, which also offers you a solid share of customer billing. A job that has its technical results shown globally, and its financial results shown in your own personal paycheck. A deep and flexible organisation that looks after its own. Our operation is based on openness and transparency, regarding both our own community as well as our customers. At the top of our values are customers and jointly achieved results. Our other core values are honesty, responsibility and competence combined with a burning desire to develop oneself, and solving the most difficult technological challenges.

Unikie Oy logo


Hakuaika: -
Linkki: https://www.unikie.com/fi/tyopaikka/embedded-software-engineers/
Yhteydenotto: mariella.merikallio@unikie.com


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