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Tietopyyntö: Finavia passenger process systems

TarjouspyyntöKansallinen hankintailmoitus (Tietopyyntö):

Finavia Oyj : COMPENSATORY REQUEST FOR INFORMATION: Finavia passenger process systems


Finavia is planning to renew passenger process systems ("PPS") to increase its operational capacity by allowing airline and terminal management staff to more effectively manage the available resources. The main is focus on replacing the current common use passenger processing systems. The system is expected to help the airport to maximize the utilization of the entire airport by enhancing flexibility and sharing of resources. The PPS environment must be sufficiently flexible and scalable to accommodate changes in the airport’s business plan over time. Target of this RFI is to find potential candidates to offer passenger processing platform, service and hardware to fit current self-service infrastructure or possibly passenger system as a service. Target can be changed according to feedback and ideas received during RFI process. This document is not a procurement notification or an invitation to tender, but a market survey and a request for information. All information collected with the request for information is confidential and shall only be used for planning the procurement. The request for information does not obligate the procurement unit to carry out any procurement or to take the responses received into consideration when compiling the invitation to tender. Responding to the request for information is not a prerequisite for participating in the actual competitive tendering and giving a response does not obligate the party giving the response to put in a tender in connection with the actual competitive bidding.


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