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Request for information: Medical image analysis system for research purposes

TarjouspyyntöKansallinen hankintailmoitus (Tietopyyntö):
Helsingin ja Uudenmaan Sairaanhoitopiirin kuntayhtymä

INFORMATION REQUEST: Medical image analysis system for research purposes. This notice is not an invitation for tendering but a preliminary information request for exploring the market. This document will not require the corresponding unit to proceed into making a purchase. Answers given by the respondent are not binding in relation to a possible later purchase. This medical image analysis system for research purposes primary goal is to assist in creating an annotated set of CT and MRI images for different research purposes, including different machine learning approaches. The primary focus in the short term is on anonymized neurological imaging studies, but the solution should be scalable to other medical areas. It is intended solely for research purposes so medical device compliance is not necessary. This annotation tool should support manual, semi-automatic and fully automatic segmentation of CT and MRI images. It should, on one hand, be accessible by multiple users working on the same or different studies and, on the other hand, allow the users to access external containerized solutions (i.e Docker).The tool should be accessible through a modern web browser. The tool should be compatible with modern cloud storage solutions or at least with Azure Data Lake Storage. The tool should be compatible with Dicom and Nifti formats. The medical image analysis system should include a tool that will assist the slice (2D) and volume (3D) segmentation of regions of interest (ROI). Such ROIs can be tissue (i.e. brain thalamus), non-tissue objects (medical objects such as inserted electrodes or non-medical objects, which end up in the brain tissue due to penetrating trauma) or lesions (blood/tumour). Such a segmentation/annotation (or delineation) tool should perform optimally on CT images, which is the primary modality of interest, and efficiently on other modalities like MRIs. We request interested companies to inform HUS of their interest in free form by 18.7.2018. Interested parties shall provide a short presentation of their solution and its future developments in written form in Finnish or English. We are open to interested parties also after the deadline. Interested parties will be provided additional material after the expression. Contact information: Teijo Konttila HUS-Tietohallinto ai@hus.fi +358504098115 Henri Laine HUS-Tietohallinto ai@hus.fi +358401304646 For more detailed information please download Annex of this request of information. This document is not a procurement notification or an invitation to tender, but a market survey and a request for information. The procurement unit does not commit to carrying out the procurement.


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