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Procurement of public cloud infrastructure

TarjouspyyntöKansallinen hankintailmoitus (Tietopyyntö): Funidata Oy 


This is a Request for Information.

Funidata is acquiring a Public Cloud Infrastructure (IaaS with PaaS elements) to respond the increasing requirements of Service Environment. Service to be acquired will be used for delivering different SaaS-services for the Funidata Customers at Higher Education sector. Funidata´s current Customers are its owners: University of Helsinki, the University of Tampere , the University of Jyväskylä, Aalto University, TTY Foundation sr (Tampere University of Technology) and Lappeenranta University of Technology.

All minimum (mandatory) requirements of the intended procurement is described in the Invitation to Tender and its appendices attached to this request for information. Please note that the invitation to tender and its appendices represents the Contracting Authority´s preliminary views and may change. At the moment these are for your information only.

Documents of the procurement are available in English.

Please see attached Request for Information wholly.


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