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Prior Information Notice/TIA support services and development

TarjouspyyntöEnnakkoilmoitus: Valtiokonttori (The State Treasury of Finland)

This document is not a procurement announcement, not an Invitation to Tender, nor will its publication start a Tender Procurement Process. This document serves as a Prior Information Notice and an invitation to Tender Briefing Meeting (TBM). The purpose of the meeting is to obtain information about potential service suppliers. The State Treasury uses TIA software by TIA Technology A/S for claims and compensations handling.

Target of this Prior Information Notice is to find potential candidates to maintain and develop State Treasury current TIA services and to provide information about the current solution and long-term development plans. This Prior Information Notice does not bind the State Treasury to make any procurement based on this request. Participation to this TBM does not in any way bind any party in a potential future Invitation to Tender. Suppliers who refrain from participating in this TBM are equally allowed to participate to potential future Invitation to Tender.


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