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Library Service Platform

TarjouspyyntöHankintailmoitus: Aalto University Foundation sr

Osallistumishakemukset 26.04.2019 klo 14.00 mennessä

Aalto University Learning Services (LES) is seeking a competent service provider for a Library Services Platform (LSP) that will support management of printed and electronic resources. LSP will enable LES to perform its services in an efficient manner. The object of the procurement is a Library Service Platform with a customer interface, consisting of both the implementation phase and the continuous LSP service provided as Software as a Service (SaaS). The aim is to deploy an off-the-shelf Software as a Service without substantial tailoring and adaptation. The new LSP should be able to handle both printed and electronic material (acquisitions, cataloguing, loans). The LSP should be in line with the operations and size of Aalto University. Its functionality and modules need to meet university requirements, taking into account the needs of both library staff and end-users. The new LSP should support implementation of efficient, uniform and automated processes and smooth workflows, thus minimizing the amount of manual work and enabling all library-related tasks with a single system. The new LSP should be a modern and reliable system that can be integrated to other university systems and services as needed. Library staff and customers, as well as other stakeholders should be able to use the LSP as self-service with PCs, laptops, tablets and smart phones. Although the new LSP is at this stage primarily aimed for the library personnel, the new system must also provide the option to expand the usage to library customers.


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