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keep.eu IT services

TarjouspyyntöHankintailmoitus: Interact Office Turku / ELY-Centre in Turku

Osallistumishakemukset 04.07.2018 klo 16.15 mennessä

The purpose of the procurement procedure is to award a contract for the provision of keep.eu IT services. It will include all the services that are foreseen as of now and a framework for the development of new services that are not foreseen at present. The services are:

• Hosting of the whole keep.eu system;

• Development and corrective and adaptative https://www.esourcing2.fi/prod/dist/signup/supplier/interact maintenance of existing applications (or applications that provide the same outputs as the current ones but using different technologies);

• Development and corrective and adaptative maintenance of new applications, as per Interact’s request or further to the contractor’s own proposal;

• Data analysis, modelling and migration;

• Database design and development for web applications;

• Development and evolutive maintenance of mobile website and apps;

• Web application integration solutions;

• Database operation.

• Maintenance and further development of the Contracting Authority’s helpdesk system

The keep.eu system is currently up and running. The Contractor can continue upkeeping and developing the current system or develop completely another solution which fulfils all the requirements.

In both cases the following activities are involved to some extent:

• Project management;

• Analysis and Design;

• Development and programming;

• Testing (all phases), acceptance and deployment;

• Development and consulting on the applications’ presentation layout;

• Consulting on the application’s information architecture;

• Performance measuring and improvement;

• User interface definition and development;

• Feasibility studies and technical, usability and accessibility assessments;

• Hand-over and take-over of applications;

• Technical documentation and user training;

• Database operation (data processing, insertion and input-output correction).

• Acceptance, maintenance and further development of the Contracting Authority’s helpdesk system

The above is meant to be a non-exhaustive list of services and activities.

It is expected that the Contractor will keep abreast of the progress related to the software used in connection with the above services, so as to support newer versions as they become available. This will be required since the Contractor will be expected to also cover upgrades of applications to newer versions.

The Contractor must provide the required development, staging and production environments infrastructure.

A more detailed description of the keep.eu IT services and preliminary requirements are provided in the the Invitation to Participate documentation.


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