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ISO Standards


Kansallinen hankintailmoitus: Puolustusvoimien logistiikkalaitos
Tarjoukset 11.12.2018 klo 12.00 mennessä

The Finnish Defence Forces (FDF) employ about 12 200 people in several geographical locations. About 2000 of them work in positions where Standards are needed. Standards Delivery shall provide the employees of the Finnish Defence Forces with the right to view, download, save and print the International (ISO) Standards to be used by the Finnish Defence Forces in 2019 and 2020. The maximum of six hundred (600) downloads per year of ISO Standards from the following groups: 1 Generalities. Terminology. Standardization. Documentation 3 Services. Company organization, management and quality. Administration. Transport. Sociology 7 Mathematics. Natural Sciences 13 Environment. Health protection. Safety 17 Metrology and measurement. Physical phenomena 19 Testing 21 Mechanical systems and components for general use 23 Fluid systems and components for general use 25 Manufacturing engineering 27 Energy and heat transfer engineering 29 Electrical engineering 31 Electronics 33 Telecommunications. Audio and video engineering 35 Information technology. Office machines 37 Image technology 43 Road vehicles engineering 47 Shipbuilding and marine structures 49 Aircraft and space vehicle engineering 53 Materials handling equipment 71 Chemical technology 75 Petroleum and related technologies 77 Metallurgy 87 Paint and colour industries 93 Civil engineering 95 Military engineering


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