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Finavia Corporation's workforce management system

TarjouspyyntöHankintailmoitus, erityisalat: Finavia Oyj

Osallistumishakemukset 12.04.2019 klo 10.00 mennessä

Finavia is searching a new Workforce management system (“WFM system”) to replace the existing systems. Finavia and its subsidiary Airpro has their own systems at the moment. The aim is to develop and automate the Roster planning process with the new WFM system. For example, currently the flight schedule information (demand) cannot be automatically used in creating roster. The new WFM system should include roster planning, worktime recording, automatic worktime, overtime and supplement calculation and payroll file creation. Finavia is requesting tenders for a WFM system and its maintenance and support service. Finavia prefers the new WFM system to be SaaS based but the tenderer may offer a licence based system. More information can be found in Appendices 2-5.


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