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Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software solutions for logistics management on waste management sector and/or a weighbridge software solution

HSY Helsingin seudun ympäristöpalvelut -kuntayhtymä

This document is not a procurement announcement, not a request for quotation, not an invitation to negotiation, nor will its publication start a tender competition. This document serves as a Request for Information (RFI) and its purpose is to obtain information on different Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software solutions and software providers for logistics management on waste management sector and/or integrated or separate weighbridge software for managing the material flow and the stock Records (optional). This RFI does not bind the contracting entity to make any pro-curement based on this request. Participation in this RFI does not in any way bind any party in a potential future RFQ. Suppliers who refrain from participating in this RFI are equally allowed to participate in a potential future RFQ.


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