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Digital Asset Management Service


Veikkaus Oy : Digital Asset Management Service

Tarjoukset 04.11.2019 klo 16.00 mennessä osoitteeseen:


Digital gaming platforms are increasingly popular and the shift from physical gaming to digital has made gaming truly time and location independent and an omnichannel experience. Therefore, this procurement aims to increase optimising images and other visual assets for omnichannel delivery - and being able more effectively to perform this activity to massive amounts of visual asset - helping Veikkaus to improve loading times and improve the user experience of its digital channels. Veikkaus.fi and Veikkaus Mobiili are platforms supporting this trend of digital gaming and at the same time representing the channels where Veikkaus can most effectively address the part of the audience having gaming problems. In terms for being both profitable and responsible, securing the performance of digital platforms is a critical success factor for Veikkaus.


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