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Contactless EMV Payments on Public Transport

TarjouspyyntöHankintailmoitus, erityisalat: Helsingin Seudun Liikenne - kuntayhtymä

Osallistumishakemukset 28.12.2018 klo 14.00 mennessä

HSL is looking to procure contactless payment PSP solution for transit (part A) ja contactless EMV reader (part B). This procurement is made as joint procurement of Helsinki Region Transport (HSL) and TVV lippu- ja maksujärjestelmä Oy (LMJ). HSL will implement the procurement procedure on its own and on behalf of LMJ. Both procuring entities will make their own procurement decisions and contracts. LMJ’s share of the procurement is an option where LMJ may choose to introduce services/devices either wholly or in part. HSL is aiming to introduce pinless contactless payments in vehicles during 2019 - 2022. In the first stage HSL is planning to set a limited pilot in ferries. In the second stage the goal is to enable single ticket purchase with contactless EMV in trams. In the third stage contactless EMV readers are installed to all vehicles and purchase of single tickets for all zones will be enabled. Also daily and weekly capping will be launched. See also Appendix 1 and 5.


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