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Case YIT: Azure-based data platform for full online service renewal

ReferenssiAbout YIT

YIT is the largest residential construction company in Finland. It is also the largest foreign residential construction company in Russia and one of the largest business premises and infrastructure construction companies in Finland. Aiming at being a leading European developer, builder and service provider YIT improves its sales and customer experience by renewing its online services including 18 websites in 8 countries.

Our role

YIT has fully embraced Microsoft Azure platform and Visual Studio Team Services in the development of the modern online services. We helped YIT design and build a custom data platform. The platform’s purpose is to readily respond to the online demand for YIT’s offering with up-to-date information and in a scalable, modular manner via modern APIs. The platform consists of a several loosely coupled app services that integrate with CRMs, ESB, PIM, CMS and various 3rd party partners.

Technology stack

Microsoft Azure PaaS, Azure App Service, API Management, .NET, MVC, C#, Azure Storage, Azure Search, Azure SQL, Redis Cache, SendGrid, Application Insights, Dynatrace, Visual Studio Team Services (VSO/VSTS), Git


We started renewing our online services in spring 2016 and in less than 12 months we launched beautiful websites in 8 countries. Kompozure was responsible for designing and implementing the project’s demanding custom data platform solution. Kompozure's Azure experts executed exceptionally well and the team was in a key role in this successful multivendor and multinational project.

Minna Hämäläinen, Senior Manager, IT, YIT Oyj & Pekka Helin, Senior Vice President, Housing Business Development, YIT Oyj


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