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Automated Conversion of Financial and / or Accounting Documents (AC FAD) Request for information


Ennakkoilmoitus: Verohallinto

This request for information is made in order to find out what kind of software and / or IT-systems are available to automate the document conversion work. To clarify the purpose of this request for information, the purpose of this work is not automate converting tax return forms or any other massively large document sets. For the technical administration of the system and / or software, Finnish Tax Administration (FTA) has separate IT-department. This document is a request for information. This document is not a request for quotation neither contract notice. FTA does not commit to any acquisitions. Decision on the possibilities of starting the procurement process, will be done after the request for information. We ask you to reply to this request for information by answering to the questions provided in the appendices. You can add attachments and other additional information to the answers.


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