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16.09.2021 Webinaari

TapahtumaAn event for you who are interested in the future of work and the innovations and technologies redefining the future workplace.


Organizational change is difficult no matter the circumstances. For the HR leader last year shaped how, where and when work takes place. On the upside companies got opportunities to reorganize processes and tasks and redefine the purpose and place of future work. The acceptance for digitalisation has never been greater!


How can Digital Workplaces, Mobility, HR Analytics & Metrics, Talent Recruitment, Learning 4.0 and Workplace Flexibility be implemented in terms of technology and organizational culture? Digitization requires radical rethinking but can gain great rewards in the way traditional companies run their organization and lead their people, places and technology.


Digitization has been changing the way we collaborate inside, and most importantly the way we serve our customers. But which tools actually enable flexibilization, and which problems remain?


Technology is freeing up HR to take on bigger-picture matters, making the field more exciting, more demanding and perhaps more competitive as well. The agenda will cover the current key drivers of change and enablers of innovation that will shape how, where and when work takes place.


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 16.09.2021
Tyyppi: Webinaari
Lisätty: 9.8.2021

Muita tapahtumia


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