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WorkTech 2022

14.09.2022 Helsinki Webinaari

Leading People, Place and Technology?

Redefining the purpose, place and future of work


The digitally powered people revolution in HR enables personalized solutions for both productivity and wellbeing at work. With digital tools, we can measure the impact of the steps we’re taking, get data on what works and what doesn’t and get cross-organizational and systemic insights while distilling company strategy into the everyday workplace experience.


Engaging a remote workforce, leading virtual teams and digital leadership has put the whole purpose of work on its edge. We are also going through a period with an unprecedented amount of stress and burnouts. Next generation technology enables real time data and monitoring to take action earlier than ever before and may track the underlying aspects of mental illness.


Management’s approach to provide superior and individual employee experience and to truly cultivate engagement by creating a diverse and inclusive culture is essential for driving business growth and attracting talent. It is time to get serious about emotional security in the hybrid workplaces and to combat stress.


Technology is freeing up HR to take on bigger-picture matters, making the field more exciting, more demanding and perhaps more competitive as well. The agenda will cover the current key drivers of change and enablers of innovation that will shape how, where and when work takes place.


How do you distinguish yourself from the competition? Welcome to reinvent HR with better Performance Management and Digital Personalized Solutions!

Get to know the themes, speakers and agenda on the event's website.


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 14.09.2022
Kaupunki: Helsinki
Tyyppi: Webinaari
Lisätty: 12.8.2022

Muita tapahtumia


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