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WFS3 as a Pathfinder for Modern and Practical OGC Spatial Data APIs

16.04.2019 Online Webinaari

TapahtumaWhat: WFS3 as a Pathfinder for Modern and Practical OGC Spatial Data APIs – webinar

When: Tuesday 16th of April 2019 14:00-15.00 (EEST/GMT+3)

Presenter: Ilkka Rinne,Spatineo’s Head of Customer Experience and Interoperability

The upcoming Web Feature Service (WFS) OGC/ISO standard version 3.0 is a major step towards more resource oriented and web developer friendly OGC Web Services. Months before the new standard is published it’s already clear that WFS3 is setting the OGC scene for new spatial data API building blocks rather than traditional OGC Web Services working in isolation.In this webinar Mr. Ilkka Rinne, Spatineo’s Head of Customer Experience and Interoperability,

>Talks about the idea of new OGC spatial data APIs and the status of the WFS 3.0 core,

>Demonstrates a public beta WFS3 service created in co-operation with Spatineo, the Finnish Meteorological Institute and Vaisala delivering near real-time weather data

>Invites developers to the Sea of Data Challenge culminating at the Inspire Helsinki 2019 event in October.


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 16.04.2019
Kaupunki: Online
Paikka: Online
Tyyppi: Webinaari
Lisätty: 9.4.2019

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