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Webinar: The digital steps of a manufacturing company towards Industry 4.0

28.10.2021 Webinaari

TapahtumaWelcome to the eCraft Manufacturing Industry Webinar, where we will discuss the steps of an industrial company toward the digital future and Industry 4.0. What opportunities does modern technology offer for developing the business of your industrial company? What concrete things do you need to consider and what kind of solutions can you take advantage of at different stages towards digitalisation?

In this webinar, we discuss the development of an industrial company's business towards modern, digital operations, where the potential of technology in various areas of the company is widely utilized.

You will hear concrete examples from the various implementations we have made.

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  • 9.00 Welcome to the eCraft webinar, introduction to the topic
  • The different steps of an industrial company towards Industry 4.0
  • Utilization of modern technology in an industrial company from different perspectives
  • eCraft as a partner and webinar summary
  • 10.00 The webinar ends - thank you for participating!


  • Kari Sievi, Advisor, Dynamics 365, eCraft
  • Harri Era, Advisor, Dynamics 365, eCraft

We will cover the following topics:

  • What steps are companies taking towards digitalisation?
  • What does digitalisation mean to your employees and what impact do they have on your customers? 
  • What are the options for modernizing plant operations? 
  • How do you create more flexible supply chains? 
  • How do you take advantage of new innovations and create new services for your customers with technology? 



Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 28.10.2021
Tyyppi: Webinaari
Lisätty: 8.9.2021

Muita tapahtumia


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