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Webinar: Migrating from BizTalk to Frends iPaaS in the Microsoft Ecosystem


TapahtumaAs the 2030 deadline for BizTalk's end-of-life approaches, is your company ready to take the next steps within the Microsoft ecosystem?

Our upcoming technical webinar offers practical guidance on migrating from BizTalk to Frends, an iPaaS solution built on Microsoft stack.

- Understand why Frends is a compelling option for those staying within the Microsoft ecosystem.

- Learn how Frends can simplify complex integrations, automation, and API challenges.

- Watch how existing BizTalk content can be effectively reused or adapted within the Frends environment.

The transition to Frends will align with your existing Microsoft infrastructure and will pave the way for a smooth adoption of Azure services.

Do not miss out!

When: Friday, Februay 23

Time: 12:30 - 13:00 Finnish time

Learn more and sign up now: https://frends.com/webinar/migrating-from-biztalk-to-frends-ipaas-in-the-microsoft-ecosystem

About Frends: Frends iPaaS, the Finnish Integration Platform as a Service, recognised in 2023 as the Microsoft Partner of the Year for the Cloud SaaS Solution category in Finland.

Frends iPaaS is a leading enabler of digitalization and business process automation at the forefront of the world's leading iPaaS platforms. Frends iPaaS allows for the development, management, and security of all integrations and process automations on a powerful low-code platform with over 4,000 end-users globally.

Frends platform was established in Finland in 1988 and has snowballed in the Nordic region's domestic markets and internationally, covering +16 countries. The Frends group comprises companies in Finland, Sweden, Poland, Germany, and Malaysia.


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 23.02.2024
Lisätty: 31.1.2024

Muita tapahtumia


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