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Webinaari: Miksi toiset organisaatiot onnistuvat paremmin pilvipalveluiden käytössä kuin toiset?

27.11-31.01.2020 Webinaari

TapahtumaJärjestimme 27.11.2019 englanninkielisen webinaarin, jossa käsitellään pohjoismaalaisten organisaatioiden pilvikyvykkyyksiä ja -kypsyyttä. Lue lisää alta englanniksi ja katso tallenne!


There has been dramatic growth in usage and penetration of cloud services over the past few years. But do organizations really know where they stand in this journey? What is the real cloud maturity among large organizations in the Nordics? And what is the real business impact, if any?

To find out we asked Nordic IT decision makers.

Join our webinar Why are some organizations better in utilizing the power of the cloud than others? hosted together with the research analyst company Radar. In the webinar, we will share key insights and results of the Cloud Maturity 2019 study and also review the progress over years 2015-2019.

The latest report is based on interviews with 283 IT decision makers in Sweden, Finland and Norway.


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 27.11-31.01.2020
Tyyppi: Webinaari
Lisätty: 15.11.2019

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