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Virtual Reality Nordic 2020

11.03.2020 Oulu


Virtual Reality Nordic 2020 is a one-day event dedicated to building the Nordic VR ecosystem by bringing innovators, futurists, and VR collaborators together.

After introduction of modern Virtual Reality solutions in 2014, brave pioneers have found unique ways to utilize VR to enhance their business. After years of constant development, VR has established itself as a powerful platform for B2B applications.

Now is the perfect time to get familiar with VR practices to discover new opportunities, engage your clients more than ever, train your employees, design machinery or a showroom and so much more.


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 11.03.2020
Kaupunki: Oulu
Paikka: Hotelli Lasaretti, Kasarmintie 13B, 90130 OULU
Lisätty: 12.1.2020

Muita tapahtumia


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