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TietoEVRY x Mimmit Koodaa: Time to learn more about Health Tech

28.01.2022 Webinaari

TapahtumaJoin our livecast with the TietoEVRY to learn more about a career in health tech. During the livecast you will get to know to of Rinna Tikkanen and Roope Rantasalo talk about their road to working within health tech.

After a short introduction to TietoEVRY and health tech, we will go deeper in to understanding how you can kick-start your career within health tech from a perspective of two DevOps Engineers.

The disucssion will focus on the following:

  • Background in studies and working experience – where did you start off and how did you find your way to working with.
  • DevOps within health tech.
  • What technologies are used in your daily work – how are these connected?
  • What impact does the work you do have in a broader picutre – where are the tangible touchpoints in society.


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 28.01.2022
Tyyppi: Webinaari
Lisätty: 7.11.2021

Muita tapahtumia


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