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SynchroniCity Open Call Clinic 28.8.

28.08.2018 Helsinki

TapahtumaSMEs can get funding to demonstrate the scalability and replicability of IoT based smart city solution in 2 European cities. There is possibility to get funding for 6 months piloting up to 300k€. The focus areas are Sustainable Mobility, Environment & Wellbeing, Citizen Engagement, and Open Theme. Submission of your Open Call application is possible till September 2018.

Forum Virium Helsinki hosts two Open Call Clinics to inform potential applicants on the project and on how to apply.

There are two alternative tracks at the clinic; applying and technology. In technology clinics the focus will be on SynchroniCity technology requirements. In application clinics you can ask questions related to applying process.

If your questions about the SynchroniCity open call have not been answered on the open forum or through the helpdesk you can book a 20 minute time slot to field your questions directly with Helsinki. Please send in your questions beforehand to veli.airikkala(at)forumvirium.fi

Open Call Clinic 28.8.

After the MyData 2018: Smart City Day event you can come and discuss more about details of your open call application. Smart City Day is part of the MyData2018 conference and it’s free of charge. Please register to Smart City Day too, there are only a limited number of slots!


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 28.08.2018
Kaupunki: Helsinki
Paikka: Sturenkatu 4
Lisätty: 24.8.2018

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