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Sustainable Business 2022

16.11.2022 Helsinki Webinaari

Rooted in the Future. 


We’re inspired by the change we wish to see in the world — one where global commerce, technological progress, and sustainability coexist. 


The Nordic countries have led the way in terms of democracy, equality, CSR, governance, people happiness and more, but to truly change and make an impact in regards to sustainability, it is time for commerce and businesses to take the lead.


We truly think global commerce is not the enemy to a sustainable future, instead it can be the solution. In the new business blueprint businesses and finance need to put profit, and the planet on an equal footing. 


To empower industry to address complex environmental risks, it needs to be business driven and investments need to come with a return. The world is changing and with that comes ambitious and accountable actions.


The sentiment for businesses to re-think is supported by major trend shifts in consumer behavior, technological availability, fundraising requirements, investor transparency and climate-resilient targets - all while making a profit in return.


Join the agenda bringing together the best of the Nordics and its collaboration opportunities. 

Know how to measure, manage, mitigate and scale Sustainable initiatives. 


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 16.11.2022
Kaupunki: Helsinki
Tyyppi: Webinaari
Lisätty: 12.8.2022

Muita tapahtumia


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