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Standardizing decentralized identity

14.03.2019 Helsinki Webinaari

Standardizing decentralized identity

14.3.2019 13-15


SFS:n kokouskeskus, Helsinki


Trust in the digital age is broken. Can you remember the last time you got insurance or bought something from a private person from another EU country to yours? Or when was the last time you signed a contract or gave a power of attorney online? The chances are that you rarely have. Although our private and business lives have become increasingly digital, we still seem to lack mechanisms to conduct these common interactions online.

The rise of decentralized solutions, such as blockchain and other distributed ledger technologies (DLT), have given rise to new types of ecosystems where businesses, public organisations and individuals can form trust relationships without involving middlemen. These decentralised solutions hold also great promise for solving the identity and integrity issues prevalent in sharing and trusting on data.

During the event Antti Kettunen from Tieto will talk about the latest developments in standardizing the decentralized identity domain.

Register for the event or the live stream on the ilmoittautuminen-page no later than 11th March.

Further information:

Elina Huttunen, technological advisor, SFS (elina.huttunen@sfs.fi)


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 14.03.2019
Kaupunki: Helsinki
Paikka: Malminkatu 34, 00100 Helsinki, 2. krs
Tyyppi: Webinaari
Lisätty: 26.2.2019

Muita tapahtumia


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