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SPIME 2018

11.09-12.09.2018 Tallinna

TapahtumaGet spime'd: Be right at the Core of the Internet of Things

BaseN's annual SPIME event is back for the 4th time. After Amsterdam, Helsinki and Torino, we now welcome all IoT pioneers to Tallinn. Starting from a handful of connected devices back in the day, we are now facing a worldful of data. Wether businesses create new products, optimize existing ones or just want to boost overall efficiency with IoT and spimes, better and real time information is the foundation to build upon.

Security, scalability, global reach, always-on operations, telemetry, intellectual property, sustainability. Join SPIME2018 to explore in depth what digitalizing your business really means.

IoT developers are again invited to the annual SPIMEathon to gain experience in working with one of the world's leading IoT Platforms.


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 11.09-12.09.2018
Kaupunki: Tallinna
Lisätty: 15.8.2018

Muita tapahtumia


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