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Smart Commerce 2023

01.12.2022 Helsinki

What is the fastest way to grow business?


 Revolutionising your eCommerce strategy from being traditional to being data and customer centric.


Digital commerce has gone beyond “buying something on a website” 

to a series of interactions that rely on technology to move goods.


Speed and agility 


to innovate the customer experience will determine the winners in an era of digital disruption.

Your talent, culture, and customer engagement platform determine your innovation potential.


Smart Commerce 2023


brings retail and e-commerce players together to discuss common challenges, possibilities and opportunities that can be explored to accelerate their digital change, and move from traditional e-commerce models to customer-centric, data-centric, brand-centric, and experience-driven models.


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 01.12.2022
Kaupunki: Helsinki
Lisätty: 24.10.2022

Muita tapahtumia


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