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SHIFT 2019

29.08-30.08.2019 Turku

Shapeshifting intelligence at SHIFT 2019

SHIFT helps radical innovators shape a better future through intelligent business and deep technology. The program will provide glimpses of the future of intelligence and its business applications, as well as give insight into how businesses can utilize deep technology to make a positive impact on society, but not at the expense of profit.


Join us and find the right tools and revolutionary thoughts on how to make your business a part of the world-saving intelligent economy.


Witness real-world problems being solved at our demo sessions.

Listen to modern-day Einsteins who have brought ideas into reality.

Understand how AI and intelligent automation are transforming industries.


…plus music, art and culture & endless opportunities for networking in a true festival spirit.


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 29.08-30.08.2019
Kaupunki: Turku
Lisätty: 7.5.2019

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