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Nordic IoT Week 2020 - virtual event

21.10-22.10.2020 Webinaari


First there was the transformative cycle hitting industry after industry and now we have Business as Unusual changing the fundamentals on how to operate a profitable business.

Now if ever, is the right time for all companies to accelerate growth by seizing new digital opportunities and creating significant competitive advantages. In the midst of the pandemic major digital leaps are needed and taken!

As always this C-level event focuses solely on the Business Relevance of Digital to demonstrate the limitless opportunities ahead. The agenda covers the business models, the structures that should be in place and what impact new market segments will have on your bottom-line.

Join the largest gathering of decision makers in the field of IoT, AT, ML, data analytics, automation and digitalization in Northern Europe for two full days of relevance, game changing strategies and inspiration.

Welcome to the 5th Nordic IoT – The Business of Digital 2020

Agenda: https://www.nordiciotweek.com/agenda2020

Tickets: https://ssl.eventilla.com/nordiciotweek2020/EN


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 21.10-22.10.2020
Tyyppi: Webinaari
Lisätty: 16.12.2019

Muita tapahtumia


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